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How to have output voltage track input voltage

Creating an application that will have an output voltage automatically track an input voltage is very easy with the help of the variables that are supported by ModCom. The example shown below uses an Analog Input Module to read an external voltage, and an Analog Output Module to track that voltage in real time. Note, make sure the Analog Input Module is set to MODE 1 ahead of time.

Step 1: Plug both the Analog Input Module and the Analog Output Module together on the same serial cable. Using the DIP switches on the board, set the Analog Input to address A, and the Analog Output to address B.

Step 2: Place a Data Window on the screen and right click on it to pull up its Properties Dialog box. Type in ARA in the Data Polling Command box and type in 0.1 in the Multiplier box.

Step 3: Place a 2nd Data Window on the screen and right click on it to pull up its Properties Dialog box. Type in BVA{DataWindow1} in the Data Polling Command box.

That's all there is to it! Now start the main run-time loop by clicking on the green "Run" button at the top of the screen. Watch how the voltage from the Analog Output Module automatically tracks the voltage from the Analog Input Module.