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Setup command (Security menu)

Use this command to open the lock-mode properties box which is used to set or change the security password as well as select various options to be included or excluded from the locking restraint. The following is a summery of the user defined attributes in the Properties dialog box.

Lock Mode Properties

During lock mode allow:

Moving/resizing Screen Objects: Check this box to allow the operator to move and/or resize the Screen Objects even if the project is in lock-mode. This is important if the project will be run on a computer other than that which it was developed on. Because the screen size of a computer will vary from model to model, the size and position of the Screen Objects may have to be adjusted accordingly.

Cut/copy/paste Screen Objects: Check this box to allow the operator to cut, copy or paste the Screen Objects even if the project is in lock-mode. This is useful to allow the operator to move certain Screen Objects to separate pages or to copy an object and place it on more then one page.

Access to communicate menu: Check this box to allow the operator to have access to the communicate menu even if the project is in lock-mode. This will allow the operator to change the COM port, and/or diagnose communications problems should they occur.

Printing/viewing data log report: Check this box to allow the operator to print or view the data log report even if the project is in lock-mode. The operator can print the report by clicking on the printer icon located in the tool bar at the top of the screen. To view the report, click on the log-view icon which is located next to the printer icon.

Change Password:

New Password: To change the current password, or to set a password in a newly created project, type in the new password in the box at the right. This password can contain alpha or numerical characters and is case sensitive.

Confirm Password: To confirm the password entered above, retype it in the box at the right. If these two passwords do not match, ModCom will reject the password change.

To remove the existing password so that the project does not use one, simply clear both boxes above and hit "OK".