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Data Window

A Data Window is a Screen Object which is used to display live data. It can be configured to accept data from another object within ModCom, or to automatically poll an external DAQ Module on a continuous basis. User defined data conversions allow for viewing of data in a format or scale which is appropriate for the task, as well as the injection of calibration factors and/or offset values if needed. A built-in alarm function can be setup to alter the color of the data field in response to an out of range condition. The value of the data field can also be used to trigger other actions within ModCom.

Once a Data Window is placed on the screen it can be selected by clicking on it with the left mouse button. To move the object, place the cursor over it, hold down the left mouse button and drag the object to the desired position. Resize handles are provided to allow adjustment of the overall size by dragging on them with the mouse in a similar fashion.

To set the properties of a Data Window, right-click on the object or select "Properties" in the <Edit> menu while the Data Window is selected. The following is a summery of the user defined attributes in the Properties dialog box.

Properties Dialog Box:

Screen Text:

Prefix: Type in the text that will appear to the left of the data field.

Suffix: Type in the text that will appear to the right of the data field.


Object ID Label: Type in a label that will be used for identification by other objects within ModCom when sending data to the Data Window, using the displayed reading as a variable in another object's function, or when evaluating Conditional statements specific to the Data Window's value.

Data Polling Command: If wishing the Data Window to continuously grab data from a DAQ Module, type in the command string which should be transmitted to the module in order to read the data. Note, this entry box supports variables.

Data Conversion:

Input: Set this to the data format (Decimal, Binary, or Hexadecimal) which equals the format of the data being returned by the DAQ Module.

Output: Set this to the data format (Decimal, Binary, or Hexadecimal) which should be displayed in the window of this screen object during run-time.

Multiplier: Type in the multiplication factor which should be applied to the data before it is displayed. This can be a whole number as well as a number containing digits to the right of the decimal point.

Offset: Type in the offset value which should be added to or subtracted from the data before it is displayed. This can be a whole number as well as a number containing digits to the right of the decimal point. Note, by default, the reading displayed in the Data Window will have the same number of digits to the right of the decimal point as the original data which was received from the DAQ Module. However, you may increase this number by using an offset value with more digits to the right of the decimal point. For example, using 0.0 as an offset will force the display to show the tenths place even though the original data may not have contained it. A decimal point can also be inserted within a number. For instance, 10000 can be displayed as 10.000 by using 0.001 as the multiplier and 0.000 as the offset.

Lookup Table: To convert the data using a lookup table of known substitution values, type in the filename which contains the table. If the full PATH name is not included, the file will be searched for in the current directory as shown in Get File Path. If a multiplier or offset value is being used for this Screen Object, it will be applied to the original data before searching for a match in the lookup table. For a detailed description of the file format and how to create a substitution list, see Lookup Tables. Note, this entry box supports variables.

Math Formula: To convert the data using a mathematical expression, type in a formula here. This formula can contain the four basic arithmetic operators (+ - / *), the Exponent operator, complex Math Functions (Sine, Cosine, Square Root, etc.), constants with or without a decimal point, and any of the other Variables and Screen Objects available in the project. If this Screen Object is being included in the formula as one of the variables, any multiplier, offset value, or lookup table will be applied to the original data before using it in the formula. If this Screen Object is not included in the formula, the Screen Object will update autonomously based on the formula instead of using the polling command or any data sent to it by another object.

Alarm Colors:

High Trip Level: Type in the level at which a high trip should occur. When the data value (after applying multiplication factor and offset) overshoots this level, the data field colors will change to that which is entered at the right. Once the value drops back below this level, the data field colors will return to their defaults. Note, this field is the decimal equivalent of the data value regardless of the type (Dec, Hex, Bin) chosen to be displayed in the window.

Low Trip Level: Type in the level at which a low trip should occur. When the data value (after applying multiplication factor and offset) undershoots this level, the data field colors will change to that which is entered at the right. Once the value climbs back above this level, the data field colors will return to their defaults. Note, this field is the decimal equivalent of the data value regardless of the type (Dec, Hex, Bin) chosen to be displayed in the window.

Text Attributes:

Font Size: Selects the font size used for the text characters in the Data Window. Making changes to this attribute will also change the overall size of the Data Window respectively.

Font Color: Selects the font color used for text in the prefix and suffix fields.

Prefix Window Width: Selects the width of the prefix field. Note, dragging the resize handles will change the width of the data field only.

Suffix Window Width: Selects the width of the suffix field. Note, dragging the resize handles will change the width of the data field only.